Website User Tutorials for DIY Edits

DIY You Can Actually Do

Edit Your Own Website (Actually!)

Learn to edit the text and imagery on your website so you can keep your content fresh, engaging, and accurate at your discretion.

Content Management Tutorials

Update Text and Images on Your Website

the Basic Stuff


60-minute session

If you’re a business with regularly changing products, services or special offers, it might be more beneficial to your budget and your processes to learn a few tricks of the trade that will benefit you long-term. *If you’d prefer to stay hands-off, ask Komodo Media to add a monthly service to your web maintenance, and I’ll make edits for you as needed.

*komodo media web design clients only

Blog/Portfolio/Event Management

Add, Edit, & More


45 minutes + tool recommendations

Blogs, Portfolios and Event Calendars should always be kept up-to-date for maximum value, so being a little more hands-on can definitely help your ongoing budget. Manage your own content updates by learning how to add new items, and edit or remove existing ones along with best practice tips for formatting new content and optimizing imagery.

*komodo media web design clients only